Reported Speech - Discurso direto e indireto
He says (that) he loves you.
Há duas formas de se relatar o que alguém disse:
a) Pelo discurso direto (Direct Speech): quando repetimos o que foi dito usando as mesmas palavras da pessoa.
John said:” I work every day.”
He said:”I fell well.”
He said:”I’m so confused!!”
* vem entre aspas
* narrador repete exatamente as palavras de quem falou
b) Pelo discurso indireto (Indirect Speech): quando contamos com nossas próprias palavras o que foi dito.
John said that he worked every day.
He said that he felt well.
He said that he was confused
* sem as aspas
* narrador usa as próprias palavras, mas o significado da mensagem permanece o mesmo
* o tempo verbal muda
* há também mudanças em outros componentes da sentença
say e tell
São os verbos mais comuns que introduzem o discurso indireto (reporting verbs / verbos introdutórios).
Observe suas estruturas:
Discurso indireto:
He told the teacher (that) the test was very demanding.
He told her he was feeling worn out.
He said he had been under pressure.
Se você disser com quem você está falando, use tell. Caso contrário, use say.
Se você quiser mencionar com quem está falando e estiver usando o verbo say, deverá acrescentar to.
He said to Ana
He said to me
He said to them
He said to the boss
Ao relatar o que alguém disse, no discurso indireto, há também mudanças em outros componentes da sentença, tais como o tempo verbal, o advérbio e, às vezes, o pronome.
Veja as mudanças mais freqüentes:
Discurso Direto: She said: “I live in San Francisco.” Simple Present
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she lived in San Francisco. Simple Past
Discurso Direto: He said :”She works with me.” Simple Present
Discurso Indireto: He said (that) she worked with him. Simple Past
Discurso Direto: She said: “I moved here in September.” Simple Past
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she had moved there in September. Past Perfect
Discurso Direto: She said: “I’m living in the dorms.” Present Continuous
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she was living in the dorms. Past Continuous
Discurso Direto: He said: “She is working with me.” Present Continuous
Discurso Indireto: He said (that) she was working with him. Past Continuous
Discurso Direto: She said: “I‘ve just started school.” Present Perfect
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she had just started school. Past Perfect
Discurso Direto: She said:”I‘ve been feeling homesick.” Present Perfect Continuous
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she had been feeling homesick. Past Perfect Continuous
Discurso Direto: She said:”I‘ll stay here for about four weeks.” Simple Future
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she would stay there for about four weeks. Conditional
Discurso Direto: She said:”I may be able to graduate in three and a half years.”
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she might be able to graduate in three and a half years.
Discurso Direto: She said:”I have to try and do my best always.”
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she had to try and do her best always.
Discurso Direto: She said: “I must call home as often as I can.”
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she had to call home as often as she could.
Discurso Direto: She said:”I ought to take some extra-curricular courses.”
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she ought to take some extra-curricular courses.
Discurso Direto: She said, “I should purchase a second-hand computer.”
Discurso Indireto: She said (that) she should purchase a second-hand computer.
(THAT) – pode ser omitido
Important Remark:
1. Se o verbo introdutório do que está sendo relatado estiver no presente, no futuro simples, ou no presente perfeito não há mudanças no tempo verbal do discurso indireto.
The weatherman says:”There will be some scattered showers in the afternoon.”
The weatherman says there will be some scattered showers in the afternoon.
He says:” I love you.”
He says (that) he loves you.
She will say:” I talk to her every day.”
She will say (that) she talks to her every day.
He has said:”She is my friend.”
He has said that she is his friend.
2. Situações em que a mudança no tempo verbal é opcional:
a. Quando relatamos algo que acabou de ser dito:
Mary: I‘m freaking out.
Carl: What did you say?
Mary: I said I’m freaking out.
b. Quando relatamos algo que ainda é verdadeiro.
The manager said the paycheck is in the mail.
The manager said the paycheck was in the mail.
c. Quando relatamos uma verdade universal ou lei científica.
Teacher told his students that water boils at 100o Celsius.
Teacher told his students that water boiled at 100o Celsius.
Modificações que devem ser feitas do discurso direto para o indireto são nas seguintes palavras (expressões de tempo):
Discurso direto ————————> Discurso indireto
now ————————->then
here ————————> there
today ———————–> that day, yesterday
tonight ———————-> that night
yesterday ——————-> the day before
tomorrow ——————–> the next / following day
this week / month / year —-> that week / month / year
Last nigth ——————–> the nigth before
last week / month / year —-> the previous week / month / year
next week / month / year —> the following week / month / year
a year ago ——————-> the year before
I —————————-> he / she
we —————————> they
me —————————> him / her
my —————————> his / her
this ————————–> that
these ————————-> those
This, these ——————-> It, them (quando pronomes)
Uso do infinitivo
Usamos o infinitivo quando relatamos uma ordem, instrução, sugestão ou pedido.
Direct Speech: He said: “Close the door.”
Reported Speech: He told me to close the door.
Direct Speech: He said: “Don’t close the door.”
Reported Speech: He told me not to close the door.
Direct Speech: Hesaid, “Don’t listen to music in class.”
Reported Speech: He told the students not to listen to music in class.
Direct Speech: He said: “Open your books to page 20″.
Reported Speech: He asked them to open their books to page 20.
Direct Speech: He said: “Can you please stop talking?”
Reported Speech: He invited/advised them to stop talking.
Direct Speech: He said: “Why don’t you sit closer to the board?”
Reported Speech: He invited/advised them to sit closer to the board.
a) Se a ordem ou pedido for para não fazer algo, observe que a negativa é feita colocando-se not antes do infinitivo.
b) Quando se relata uma pergunta, coloca-se a frase na forma afirmativa fazendo as devidas transformações.
She said: Where is Bill?.
She asked where Bill was.
He said: “Is Mary here?”
He asked if Mary was there.
Should, Could, Must, Might e Would não mudam de forma.
She said: “I could go.”
She said that she could go.
Reporting Verbs (Verbos Introdutórios)
Existem outros verbos além de say e tell para introduzir o discurso indireto.
1. Alguns seguem a estrutura do verbo say, ou seja, não é necessário mencionar com quem se está falando. Se você quiser, deverá acrescentar to.
I explained (to John) that it was OK
2. Outros seguem a estrutura do verbo tell, ou seja, menciona-se com quem se está falando conforme a estrutura.
He reminded me that I had an appoitment at three.
3. Em frases que apresentam sugestões:
a) o verbo que introduz o discurso indireto é to suggest.
b) A forma let’s é alterada para we shoud.
He said: “Let’s take her to the park?.
He suggested (that) we should take her to the park.
Reporting Questions
Discurso Direto: She asked:”Has the school bus come yet?”
Discurso Indireto: She asked him if / whether the school bus had come.
WH – Questions
Discurso Direto: He asked, “Why don’t you open your eyes and see for yourself?”
Discurso Indireto: He asked her why she didn’t open her eyes and see for herself.
1. Podemos notar que quando relatamos perguntas, em geral, o verbo que introduz oReported Speech é ask.
2. Yes / No Question -
Quando a pergunta é iniciada com um auxiliar (pergunta cuja resposta será yes ou no), use if / whether.
3. Relatando perguntas, use a ordem de uma sentença afirmativa, e não ordem de pergunta!
Direct question: He asked, “Does Lucy take the school bus?”
Indirect question: He asked if Lucy took the school bus.
it’s cool.
very nice.
bye bye
Glad to have you here with us.
Thank you!
Have a nice day!
Que bom!Estamos felizes por você ter conseguido entender o tópico.
Qualquer dúvida,escreva-nos.
Agradecemos seu comentário.
Have a nice day!
Agradecemos muito seu comentário e ficamos felizes por você ter gostado.
Have a nice day!
Thank you!
Have a nice day!
Agradecemos seu comentário e sua visita.
Volte sempre!
Have a nice day!
have a nice
Thank you for your appreciation!
Wishing you a beautiful day!!
Tenho certeza de que são dados para não mais esquecer.
Agradecemos muitíssimo seu elogio e sua visita.
Volte sempre! Será um prazer tê-la aqui conosco.
Have a nice day!
Quando você quiser, pode pedir que enviaremos o conteúdo que você precisar.
Agradecemos muito seu comentário e volte sempre!
Have a nice day!
Que bom!
Volte sempre,OK? e… agradecemos sua visita e comentário.
Have a nice day!
Agradecemos sua visita e comentário.
Volte sempre!
Have a nice day!!