De maneira geral, faz-se o plural acrescentando-se “S” à forma do singular.
De maneira geral, faz-se o plural acrescentando-se “S” à forma do singular.
Ex: table – tables girl – girls chief – chiefs safe – safes
· Substantivos terminados em s, ss, sh, ch, x, z e o recebem “es”.
Ex: bus – buses church – churches brush – brushes
box – boxes buzz – buzzes tomato – tomatoes
· Substantivos terminados em “y” precedido de consoante: substitui-se o “y” por “i” e acrescenta-se “es”.
Ex: lady – ladies sky – skies
· Plural irregular:
Ex: man – men woman – women mouse – mice
foot – feet tooth – teeth child – children
· Alguns substantivos terminados em “f” ou “fe” mudam o “f” ou “fe” para “v” e recebem “es”.
Ex: calf – calves life – lives shelf – shelves
half – halves life – lives thief – thieves
knife – knives self – selves wife – wives
leaf – leaves sheaf – sheaves wolf – wolves
· Palavras estrangeiras abreviadas terminadas em “o” recebem “s”.
Ex: casino – casinos hippo – hippos
photo – photos piano – pianos
· Palavras estrangeiras consersam o plural de origem.
Ex: bacterium – bacteria crisis – crises genius – genii
datum – data basis – bases nucleus – nuclei
I – Write the plural of the following nouns in the correct list.
[Escreva o plural dos seguintes substantivos na lista correta]
policeman | peach | chief | key | Box |
door | brush | berry | bus | Pen |
century | book | toy | potato | Window |
echo | woman | child | country | Watch |
- s | - es | - ies | irregular |
II – Put the sentences into plural form.
[Ponha as sentenças na forma de plural]
1. This is an old woman.
2. That Frenchman in buying a hat.
3. The lady is near the church.
4. My cousin isn’t a chief.
5. The photo on the piano is very old.
6. The child is looking at the window.
7. There is knife and a spoon on the table.
8. The mouse is eating a lily in the garden.
9. The boy is in the bathroom.
10. The box of tomato id in the refrigerator.
III – Complete the sentences with the plural of the words from the box.
[Complete as sentenças com o plural das palavras da caixa}
man foot potato leaf watch
child country dress bacterium century
1. Look! Her _________ are wet.
2. I happened two _________ ago.
3. They sell _________ at that store.
4. Some _________ are vey helpful in the house.
5. We’ve bought some _________ to eat.
6. Those ladies are from different _________.
7. The _________ are playing in front of the house now.
8. Their _________ were old fashioned.
9. The scientist found some new _________ last year.
10. In Autumn all the _________ fall down from the trees.
Fonte: Simplfied english grammar aquarius - by Eduardo Amos, Elisabeth Prescher and Eduardo Pasqualin
Editora Moderna
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