sábado, 24 de maio de 2014


✔ Vocabulary Grade 2/3 ‪#‎5D‬ - http://bit.ly/TIEMYS
✔ Vocabulary Grade 2/3 #5D - http://bit.ly/TIEKQX
✔ Vocabulary Grade 2/3 ‪#‎5C‬ - http://bit.ly/TIEMYU
✔ Vocabulary Grade 2/3 ‪#‎5B‬ - http://bit.ly/TIEKQZ
✔ Vocabulary Grade 2/3 ‪#‎5A‬ - http://bit.ly/TIEKR1
✔ Vocabulary Grade 4/5 ‪#‎8D‬ - http://bit.ly/TIENMr
✔ Vocabulary Grade 4/5 #8D - http://bit.ly/TIEMYY
✔ Vocabulary Grade 4/5 ‪#‎8C‬ - http://bit.ly/TIEMZ0
✔ Vocabulary Grade 4/5 ‪#‎8B‬ - http://bit.ly/TIENMt
✔ Vocabulary Grade4/5 ‪#‎8A‬ - http://bit.ly/TIENMv
✔ Vocabulary Grade4/5 #8A - http://bit.ly/TIEMZ4
✔ Quote of the Week + 2 Activity Sheets - http://bit.ly/TIENMx
✔ Movie Worksheet:A Day in Fred's Life - http://bit.ly/TIEMZ8
✔ Sports and Technology - http://bit.ly/TIENfm
✔ An Introduction to Sherlock Holmes - http://bit.ly/TIENMz
✔ Great British Artists: an Introduction to Art of the UK - http://bit.ly/TIENMD
✔ Movie Worksheet: Pros and Cons of Being an Exchange Student -http://bit.ly/TIENfs
✔ Movie Worksheet: Chicago Tourist Attractions - http://bit.ly/TIENfu
✔ Emails and Phone Numbers (Business Cards) - http://bit.ly/TIENfw
✔ At a Party: Meet New People (Role Play Cards) - http://bit.ly/TIEO2V
✔ Reading for Beginners - http://bit.ly/TIENfy
✔ Meat and Fish Category and Circle the Correct Spelling - http://bit.ly/TIENfA
✔ Meat and Fish 2 - http://bit.ly/TIENfC
✔ Meat and Fish - http://bit.ly/TIEO2X
✔ What Are the Fruit and Vegetables in the Pictures? - http://bit.ly/TIENfE
✔ Movie Worksheet: Born to Race (Elementary) - http://bit.ly/TIEO2Z
✔ Do- Does, to Be Wh-Questions - http://bit.ly/TIENvS
✔ Taste and Other Tales - Mini Test (Mrs. Bixby and a Swim) -http://bit.ly/TIENvU
✔ Movie Worksheet: Basic Level Listening Comprehension - http://bit.ly/TIEO33
✔ Simple Past Grammar Diary - Regular & Irregular Verbs (with Pronunciation Activity) - http://bit.ly/TIENvY
✔ Making Requests and Asking for Permission - http://bit.ly/TIENw0
✔ Agreement Tags : So and Neither - http://bit.ly/TIENw4
✔ Cyber Love Reading Test - http://bit.ly/TIENw6
✔ Poem - http://bit.ly/TIENw8
✔ American Football Boardgame - http://bit.ly/TIEO35
✔ I Can- I Can't - http://bit.ly/TIEO37
✔ Reading- Payachatas - http://bit.ly/TIENwb
✔ Speaking Training for FCE/CAE - http://bit.ly/TIEO3a
✔ Comparatives and Superlatives (Test and Key) - http://bit.ly/TIEO3c
✔ Present Continuous (Eleven Little Mice) - http://bit.ly/TIEOjq
✔ Movie Worksheet: Ratatouille (Movie Trailer) - http://bit.ly/TIEQrA
✔ Cloze Exercise - Teeth and Eating - http://bit.ly/TIEQrC
✔ Reading Comprehension - Sun Bear - http://bit.ly/TIEOju
✔ The House - http://bit.ly/TIEOjw
✔ Crime Word Search - http://bit.ly/TIEOjy
✔ Past Participle Memory Game - http://bit.ly/TIEQrG

Holly Dolly Dolly Song

quinta-feira, 15 de maio de 2014

10 Let's Play - Magic English - Disney

10 Let's Play - Magic English - Disney

Future 'Going to' - English with Sound and Light

Future 'Going to' - English with Sound and Light

Future 'Going to' - English with Sound and Light

English future tense | Going to + verb | Learn English grammar

Locations and Directions (www.zazelis.blogstpot.com)

Prepositions of Place

Quantifiers | Much or Many? - Few or Little? | English Lesson

Places in the Community

#15 - Basic City Vocabulary - 1 Minute English Lesson

Verb there to be / parts of the house: English Language

ESL: House/ Verb There To Be