O Conde
Drácula do livro de Bram Stoker pode ter
sido inspirado no voivode (príncipe) Vlad Tepes, que nasceu em 1431 e governou o
território que corresponde à atual Romênia. Nessa época, a Romênia estava dividida
entre o mundo cristão e o mundo muçulmano, (Turquia). Vlad III ficou conhecido pela
perversidade com que tratava seus inimigos. Embora não fosse um vampiro, sua
crueldade alimentava o imaginário de modo que logo passou para o conhecimento
popular como um vampiro.
O pai de
Vlad III, Vlad II, era membro
de uma sociedade cristã romana (de Roma) chamada Ordem do Dragão, criada por nobres da região para
defender o território da invasão dos turcos otomanos. Por isso Vlad II era
chamado de Dracul (dragão), e, por conseqüência, seu filho passou a ser
chamado Draculea (filho do dragão) - a terminação "ea"
significa filho. A palavra “dracul”, entretanto, possuía um segundo significado
(“diabo”) que foi aplicado aos membros da família Draculea
por seus inimigos e possivelmente também por camponeses supersticiosos.
Vlad III era
conhecido por sua pervesidade e crueldade. Certa vez, dois súditos se
esqueceram de tirar o chapéu para reverenciar sua chegada e, por causa disso,
Vlad mandou pregar o chapéu em suas cabeças.
dizem as lendas que um dia Vlad viu um aldeão com a camisa toda suja e lhe
perguntou se sua esposa era saudável. O aldeão respondeu que sim e sua mulher
teve ambas as mãos decepadas; e Vlad arrumou outra esposa para o aldeão e a
mostrou o que acontecera com a antiga para que servisse de exemplo. Vlad tinha
prazer em comer em frente de suas vítimas com os corpos empalados ouvindo seus
gritos de agonia.
desses feitos levam a crer que Vlad III é a principal inspiração para o
personagem, a crença que o conde Drácula é morto vivo veio de um fato que em
uma de suas muitas batalhas ele levou um forte golpe na cabeça, que o deixou em
coma, depois de ver o seu líder cair seus homens bateram em retirada levando
consigo seu corpo e antes da fuga ser realizada, Vlad III acorda do coma como se
nada tivesse acontecido e logo depois de recobrar os sentidos retornou a
batalha levando seu exercito a vitória e a uma de suas mais sangrentas
batalhas, criando assim a crença que ele havia retornado dos mortos como um
morto vivo
Conde Drácula
biografia de Drácula muda conforme a adaptação de sua obra, mas sempre há em
comum que ele, na Idade Média, foi um conde da Transilvânia que se tornou um vampiro e
feiticeiro, e assolou a Inglaterra séculos depois. Para uma ligeira idéia,
consulte os links de seus filmes abaixo.
Count Dracula
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Count Dracula | |
Dracula character | |
![]() Count Dracula as portrayed by Béla Lugosi in 1931's Dracula |
Created by | Bram Stoker |
Information | |
Species | Vampire |
Gender | Male |
Spouse(s) | Brides of Dracula |
Nationality | Székely, Hungarian |
Contents[hide] |
[edit] In Stoker's novel
In Bram Stoker's novel, Count Dracula's characteristics, powers, abilities and weaknesses are narrated in a piecemeal way by multiple narrators, from different perspectives.[1] The most informative of these narrators are Jonathan Harker, John Seward, and Mina Harker.[edit] Biography
Count Dracula (his first name is never given in the novel) is a centuries-old vampire, sorcerer and Transylvanian nobleman, who claims to be a Székely descended from Attila the Hun. He inhabits a decaying castle in the Carpathian Mountains near the Borgo Pass. Unlike the vampires of Eastern European folklore, which are portrayed as repulsive, corpse-like creatures, Dracula exudes a veneer of aristocratic charm. In his conversations with Jonathan Harker, he reveals himself as deeply proud of his boyar heritage and nostalgic for the past times, which he admits have become only a memory of heroism, honor and valor in modern times.Details of his early life are obscure, but it seems that Dracula studied the black arts at the academy of Scholomance in the Carpathian Mountains, overlooking the town of Sibiu (also known as Hermannstadt) and became proficient in alchemy and magic.[2] Taking up arms, as befitting his rank and status as a Voivode, he led troops against the Turks across the Danube. According to Van Helsing: "He must indeed have been that Voivode Dracula who won his name against the Turk, over the great river on the very frontier of Turkey-land. If it be so, then was he no common man: for in that time, and for centuries after, he was spoken of as the cleverest and the most cunning, as well as the bravest of the sons of the 'land beyond the forest" .|Mina Harker's Journal, 30 September, Dracula, Chapter 18}} Dead and buried in a great tomb in the chapel of his castle, Dracula returns from death as a vampire and lives for several centuries in his castle with three beautiful female vampires beside him.[3] They seem to bear a possible family resemblance [4] though whether they be his lovers, sisters, daughters, or vampires made by him is not made clear in the narrative.
Dracula leaves his castle and boards a Russian ship, the Demeter, taking along with him boxes of Transylvanian soil, which he needs in order to regain his strength. During the voyage to Whitby, a coastal town in northern England, he sustains himself on the ship's crew members. Only one body is later found, that of the captain, who is found tied up to the ship's helm. The captain's log is recovered and tells of strange events that had taken place during the ship's journey. Dracula leaves the ship in the form of a wolf.
Soon the Count is menacing Harker's fiancée, Wilhelmina "Mina" Murray, and her friend, Lucy Westenra. There is also a notable link between Dracula and Renfield, a patient in an insane asylum compelled to consume insects, spiders, birds, and other creatures — in ascending order of size — in order to absorb their "life force". Renfield acts as a kind of sensor, reacting to Dracula's proximity and supplying clues accordingly. Dracula begins to visit Lucy's bed chamber on a nightly basis, draining her of blood while simultaneously infecting her with the curse of vampirism. Not knowing the cause for Lucy's deterioration, her companions call upon the Dutch doctor Abraham Van Helsing, the former mentor of one of Lucy's suitors. Van Helsing soon deduces her condition's supernatural origins, but does not speak out. Despite an attempt at keeping the vampire at bay with garlic, Dracula entices Lucy out of her chamber late at night and transforms her into one of the undead.
Van Helsing, Harker, and Lucy's former suitors Arthur Holmwood and Quincey Morris enter her crypt and kill her. They later enter Dracula's residence at Carfax, destroying his boxes of earth, depriving the Count of his ability to rest. Dracula leaves England to return to his homeland, but not before biting Mina.
The final section of the novel details the heroes racing Dracula back to Transylvania, and in a climactic battle with Dracula's gypsy bodyguards, finally destroying him. Despite the popular image of Dracula having a stake driven through his heart, Mina's narrative describes his throat being sliced through by Jonathan Harker's kukri and his heart pierced by Morris' Bowie knife (Mina Harker's Journal, 6 November, Dracula Chapter 27). His body then turns into dust, but not before Mina Harker sees an expression of peace on Dracula's face.
[edit] Characteristics

Christopher Lee in Jesus Franco's Count Dracula. In this film, an attempt was made to make Lee resemble the Dracula described in the original novel.
Dracula is very passionate about his warrior heritage, emotionally proclaiming his pride to Harker on how the Székely people are infused with the blood of heroes. He does express an interest in the history of the British Empire, speaking admiringly of its people. He has a somewhat primal and predatory worldview; he pities ordinary humans for their revulsion to their darker impulses.
Though usually portrayed as having a strong Eastern European accent, the original novel only specifies that his spoken English is excellent, though strangely toned.
His appearance varies in age. He is described early in the novel as thin, with a long white mustache, pointed ears and sharp teeth. It is also noted later in the novel (Chapter 11 subsection "THE ESCAPED WOLF") by a zookeeper that sees him that he has hooked nose and a pointed beard with a streak of white in it. He is dressed all in black and has hair on his palms. Jonathan Harker described him as an old man; 'cruel looking' and giving an effect of 'extraordinary pallor.'[5] When angered the Count showed his true bestial nature, his blue eyes flaming red.
I saw... Count Dracula... with red light of triumph in his eyes, and with a smile that Judas in hell might be proud of.As the novel progresses, Dracula is described as taking on a more and more youthful appearance. He shows a rare respect to those that have challenged him. He once remarked that for a man who has not lived a single lifetime, Van Helsing is very wise.
— Jonathan Harker's Journal, Dracula, Chapter 4
[edit] Powers, abilities and weaknesses
Count Dracula is portrayed in the novel using many different supernatural abilities. He has strength which, according to Van Helsing, is equivalent to that of 20 strong men. Being undead, he is immune to conventional means of attack. The only definite way to kill him is by decapitating him followed by impalement through the heart with a wooden stake, although it is also suggested that shooting him with a sacred bullet would suffice. Like all undead, he has the potential to live forever and never die, though he is not truly immortal as he can be killed by the traditional vampire methods (silver and/or wooden stakes, holy water, etc.). The Count does not have to seek victims regularly, and has the ability to remain inactive for centuries. The Count can defy gravity to a certain extent, being able to climb upside down vertical surfaces in a reptilian manner. He has powerful hypnotic and telepathic abilities, and is also able to command nocturnal animals such as wolves and rats. Dracula can also manipulate the weather, usually creating mists to hide his presence, but also storms such as in his voyage in the Demeter. He can travel onto "unhallowed" ground such as the graves of suicides and those of his victims. He can shapeshift at will, his featured forms in the novel being that of a bat, a wolf, vapor, and fog. He is able to pass through tiny cracks or crevices while retaining his human form, described by Van Helsing as the ability to become "so small." He requires no other sustenance but fresh blood, which has the effect of rejuvenating him.[6]According to Van Helsing:
The Nosferatu do not die like the bee when he sting once. He is only stronger, and being stronger, have yet more power to work evil.One of Dracula's most mysterious powers is the ability to transfer his vampiric condition to others. He slowly transforms Lucy into a vampire and then sets his sights on Mina. Mina mentions having been fed Dracula's blood.
— Mina Harker's Journal, Dracula, Chapter 18
Dracula's powers are not unlimited, however. He is much less powerful in daylight and is only able to shift his form at dawn, noon, and dusk (he can shift freely at night). The sun is not fatal to him, though, as sunlight does not burn and destroy him upon contact. He is repulsed by garlic, crucifixes and sacramental bread, and he can only cross running water at low or high tide. He is also unable to enter a place unless invited to do so; once invited, however, he can approach and leave the premises at will.
While universally feared by the local people of Transylvania and even beyond, he somehow commands the loyalty of gypsies and a band of Slovaks who transport his boxes on their way to London and to serve as an armed convoy bringing his coffin back to the Castle. The Slovaks and gypsies appear to know his true nature, for they laugh at Jonathan Harker, who tries to communicate his plight, and betray Harker's attempt to send a letter through them by giving it to the Count.
Count Dracula is depicted as the "King Vampire," and can control other vampires who were his own victims but also, as per the story "Dracula's Guest", those in farther away lands such as Styria who may or may not have been Dracula's victims. His death can release the curse on any living victim of eventual transformation into vampire. But Van Helsing reveals that were he to successfully escape, his continued existence would ensure that even if he did not victimize Mina Harker further, she would transform into a vampire upon her eventual natural death.
He also requires Transylvanian soil to be nearby to him in order to successfully rest; otherwise, he will not be able to recover his strength. Dracula's powers and weaknesses vary greatly in the many adaptations. Previous and subsequent vampires from different legends have had similar vampire characteristics.
[edit] In popular culture
Main article: Dracula in popular culture
In 2003, Count Dracula, as portrayed by Lugosi in the 1931 film, was named as the 33rd greatest movie villain by the American Film Institute.
[edit] Scholarship
Historically, the name "Dracula" is the given name of Vlad Tepes' family, a name derived from a secret fraternal order of knights called the Order of the Dragon, founded by Sigismund of Luxembourg (king of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia, and Holy Roman Emperor) to uphold Christianity and defend the Empire against the Ottoman Turks. Vlad II Dracul, father of Vlad III, was admitted to the order around 1431 because of his bravery in fighting the Turks and was dubbed Dracul (Dragon) thus his son became Dracula (son of the dragon). From 1431 onward, Vlad II wore the emblem of the order and later, as ruler of Wallachia, his coinage bore the dragon symbol.[8]
Stoker came across the name Dracula in his reading on Romanian history and chose this to replace the name (Count Wampyr) that he had originally intended to use for his villain. However, some Dracula scholars, led by Elizabeth Miller, have questioned the depth of this connection.[9] They argue that Stoker in fact knew little of the historic Vlad III except for his name. There are sections in the novel where Dracula refers to his own background, and these speeches show that Stoker had some knowledge of Romanian history but probably one of no great depth. Stoker includes few details about Vlad III save for referring to Dracula as "that Voivode Dracula who won his name against the Turks", a quote which ties Stoker's Vampire to the Wallachian prince in earnest, due to Prince Vlad's famed battles with Turks over Wallachian soil. However, while Vlad III was an ethnic Vlach, the fictional Dracula claims to be a Székely.[10]
It has been suggested by some that Stoker was influenced by the legend of Countess Elizabeth Báthory, who was born in the Kingdom of Hungary and accused of the murder of 80 young women, although these claims of influence may be false.[11]
SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_Dracula
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