domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011
sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011
quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2011
EF podEnglish
New Engljsh File Intermediate
Curso de inglês com a BBC - UOL Educação
Curso de Inglês - Inglês Online - ZapEnglish
Point dos Concursos Vídeo Aulas de Inglês
Interesting Things for ESL-EFL Students (Fun English Study)
O N L I N E E X E R C I S E S - Grammar
Inglês Básico Richmond Vestibulares
Oxford Practice Grammar - Grammar to go
ESL PartyLand
Activities for ESL-EFL Students (English Study)
Dave's ESL Cafe
Advanced English lessons
apostilas Apostilas de Inglês
BBC - Skillswise - Homepage
Business English Grammar Lessons
Cursos Grátis » Mini Curso de Inglês English Club - Learn English Teach English english grammar easy prepositions exercises
English Listening Language Lab Online - Learn English Naturally
Inglês - Do You Speak English KiCo4u - Kids Corner For English - uebungen Learn English Macmillan English Dictionary MED e-lessons Archive English Languages English Lesson Online Learning English Grammar
Oxford Teachers Club Teaching Adults ProJovem Sites for Teachers
Wise Up - Inglês Inteligente reading comprehension News English Lessons: Free Lesson Plans for Current Events Developing
Top English Teaching: resources for English teachers
English Experts
English teaching: THE BODY PARTS - GAME Body: Little Explorers Picture Dictionary Pronomes - Inglês
Inglês | InfoEscola Oral English Activities | | Tesl, Toefl, Esl, Online-english-course,
Language Learning with Livemocha | Learn a Language Online - Free! APLIMA
Adele's ESL Corner - Your free online English language website
ESL Video Quiz: personal information questions
Português e Inglês Grátis LINGUAL.NET - Learning English Through Movies
English-4U :: ESL Lesson Plans 5min - Videos
Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary
Curso de Inglês :
BBC Brasil - Aprenda inglês CCAA - O inglês e o espanhol que você aprende e nunca mais esquece.
北极星英语系列教程: 读写(中级)学生用书 - Google Livros Free Printable Worksheets For Teachers - Lesson Plans - Handouts
Oxford Practice Grammar - Grammar to go
Oxford Living Grammar Expository Writing Adverbs in sentences (lesson + exercise) - English
Survival English for Travelers Elessons | Global
ESL Activities, Using English Songs, Music Activities for TEFL Teachers
English Exercises
Try | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC
Sites for Teachers
Girias e xingamento em Inglês como falar?!
English as 2nd Language - Learn English ESL, English Grammar Exercises, Video lessons,Quizzes, Vocabulary Exercises
Language Guide English - English: Vocabulary Guide
Magic Vocabulary: English vocabulary games and worksheets
Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals WWW.THETEACHERSCORNER.NET
Grammarman Comic
Language Resources for Teachers: flashcards, writing, activities, lesson plans, grammar lessons and more
podcasts in English
Tecla SAP :: Dicas de Inglês Portal São Francisco
Songfacts - Songs with Weather Conditions in the Title
Lyrics Training // Improving your foreign languages skills
Translation in real time - English | Tradukka
Monica's Gang - Sunday Page
Aula De Espanhol Para Iniciantes | Blog Professor Inglês
My English Classes Milton França´s blog World News Post
Learning the Eating Customs of Brazil | Expatify GRATIS VIDEO AULAS
Learn American English Online Inglês no Supermercado, Gramática, Vocabulário, Pronúncia, Tradução
LITTLE EXPLORERS by Enchanted Learning Software Visual Puns 4 - Worth1000 Contests
EF podEnglish
New Engljsh File Intermediate
Curso de inglês com a BBC - UOL Educação
Curso de Inglês - Inglês Online - ZapEnglish
Point dos Concursos Vídeo Aulas de Inglês
Interesting Things for ESL-EFL Students (Fun English Study)
O N L I N E E X E R C I S E S - Grammar
Inglês Básico Richmond Vestibulares
Oxford Practice Grammar - Grammar to go
ESL PartyLand
Activities for ESL-EFL Students (English Study)
Dave's ESL Cafe
Advanced English lessons
apostilas Apostilas de Inglês
BBC - Skillswise - Homepage
Business English Grammar Lessons
Cursos Grátis » Mini Curso de Inglês English Club - Learn English Teach English english grammar easy prepositions exercises
English Listening Language Lab Online - Learn English Naturally
Inglês - Do You Speak English KiCo4u - Kids Corner For English - uebungen Learn English Macmillan English Dictionary MED e-lessons Archive English Languages English Lesson Online Learning English Grammar
Oxford Teachers Club Teaching Adults ProJovem Sites for Teachers
Wise Up - Inglês Inteligente reading comprehension News English Lessons: Free Lesson Plans for Current Events Developing
Top English Teaching: resources for English teachers
English Experts
English teaching: THE BODY PARTS - GAME Body: Little Explorers Picture Dictionary Pronomes - Inglês
Inglês | InfoEscola Oral English Activities | | Tesl, Toefl, Esl, Online-english-course,
Language Learning with Livemocha | Learn a Language Online - Free! APLIMA
Adele's ESL Corner - Your free online English language website
ESL Video Quiz: personal information questions
Português e Inglês Grátis LINGUAL.NET - Learning English Through Movies
English-4U :: ESL Lesson Plans 5min - Videos
Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary
Curso de Inglês :
BBC Brasil - Aprenda inglês CCAA - O inglês e o espanhol que você aprende e nunca mais esquece.
北极星英语系列教程: 读写(中级)学生用书 - Google Livros Free Printable Worksheets For Teachers - Lesson Plans - Handouts
Oxford Practice Grammar - Grammar to go
Oxford Living Grammar Expository Writing Adverbs in sentences (lesson + exercise) - English
Survival English for Travelers Elessons | Global
ESL Activities, Using English Songs, Music Activities for TEFL Teachers
English Exercises
Try | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC
Sites for Teachers
Girias e xingamento em Inglês como falar?!
English as 2nd Language - Learn English ESL, English Grammar Exercises, Video lessons,Quizzes, Vocabulary Exercises
Language Guide English - English: Vocabulary Guide
Magic Vocabulary: English vocabulary games and worksheets
Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals WWW.THETEACHERSCORNER.NET
Grammarman Comic
Language Resources for Teachers: flashcards, writing, activities, lesson plans, grammar lessons and more
podcasts in English
Tecla SAP :: Dicas de Inglês Portal São Francisco
Songfacts - Songs with Weather Conditions in the Title
Lyrics Training // Improving your foreign languages skills
Translation in real time - English | Tradukka
Monica's Gang - Sunday Page
Aula De Espanhol Para Iniciantes | Blog Professor Inglês
My English Classes Milton França´s blog World News Post
Learning the Eating Customs of Brazil | Expatify GRATIS VIDEO AULAS
Learn American English Online Inglês no Supermercado, Gramática, Vocabulário, Pronúncia, Tradução
LITTLE EXPLORERS by Enchanted Learning Software Visual Puns 4 - Worth1000 Contests
domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011
Ø O caso genitivo expressa posse.
Ex: The boy’s name (the name of the boy) [ o nome do garoto]
The cat’s eyes (the eyes of the cat) [ os olhos do gato]
Ø È formado pelo acréscimo de ‘s ao possuidor (pessoa ou animal).
Ex: The girl’s dress [ o vestido da garota]
Charles’s car [ o carro de Charles]
The children’s book [ o livro dos garotos]
Ø Quando o substantivo (possuidor) estiver no plural terminado em s, acrescenta-se apenas o apóstrofo (‘).
Ex: The girls’ room [ o quarto da garota]
The babies’ toys [ os brinquedos dosbabês]
Ø Quando o possuidor for um objeto, usa-se a construção com of the ou a inversão.
Ex: The engine of the car is old àThe car engine is old. [ o motor do carro]
Ø Substantivos compostos são tratados como substantivos simples.
Ex: My father-in-law’s car [ o carro do meu sogro]
Ø O caso genitivo também é usado para se referir a lugares.
Ex: I’m going to Grandma’s (Grandma’s house) [ eu vou para casa da minha avó]
He’s going to the barker’s (the baker’s shop) [ ele vai para a padaria]
Ø Pode-se usar o caso genitivo para indicar coisas personificadas ou dignificadas.
Ex: The beauty’s queen [ a rainha da beleza]
The earth’s surface [ a superfície da terra]
Ø Quando há mais um de possuidor:
ü Para indicar posse comum, apenas o último possuidor recebe o genitivo.
Ex: Sally and Susan’s car (o mesmo carro) [ o carro de Sally e de Susan]
ü Para indica posse individual, use-se o genitivo para cada um dos possuidores.
Ex: Bob’s and Jane’s fathers. (pais diferentes) [ o pai de Bob e o pai de Jane]
A – Supply ‘ or ‘s.
1. Don __________ car is in the garage.
2. Mr. Simpson __________ secretary is outside.
3. They sell ladies __________ hats in this store.
4. The doctor __________ wife is very gentle.
5. The women __________ husbands are late.
6. My friends __________ sisters are beautiful.
7. We love Grandma __________ cakes.
8. The engineers __________ glasses are broken.
9. I don’t like boys __________ shoes.
10. Bring the child __________ toy.
B – Rewrite the sentences.
1. The skirts of the women are black.
The women’s skirts are black.
2. The tail of the horse is long.
3. The offices of the doctors are big.
4. The books of the students are old.
5. The toys of the babies are red and white.
6. The hat of Mr. Smith is funny.
7. The dress of my aunt is new.
8. The leg of the table is broken.
Fonte: Simplified Grammar Book - Ed. Modena. Autores: Eduardo Amos, Elisabeth Prescher
quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011
Você está em: Curso Objetivo / Vestibular / Simulados / Inglês
Atenção: Você tem de responder todos os testes para obter o resultado correto.
1) A.C.L. - Art Reference Bureau![]() 'Deposition', by Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish baroque artist. EUROPE, LONDON - When Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) arrived in Rome in 1592 to join the studio of celebrated artist Cavaliere d'Arpino, the young apprentice was relegated to painting fruit and vegetables. But the vivid realism of Caravaggio's early works laid the foundations for a new genre - still life - and artistic style: Baroque. The Royal Academy's exhibition of Baroque painting, titled 'The Genius of Rome, 1592-1623' features 145 works produced by Caravaggio and already established European artists like Peter Paul Rubens, Adam Elsheimer and Annibale Carracci who flocked to the Eternal City at the turn of the 16th century in pursuit of the lucrative commission offered by Pope Clement VIII and his cardinals. Through April 16. TIME, FEBRUARY 12, 2001. Which of the following statements regarding Caravaggio is not correct? He... | |
died at the age of 39 began a new style in painting only painted vegetables and fruit was very young when he arrived in Rome is known for an artistic style called Baroque |
2) According to the text, | |
the exhibition in London presents more than 145 paintings Caravaggio painted 145 still lifes during his lifetime Rubens, Elsheimer and Carracci were strongly influenced by Caravaggio Rubens, Elsheimer and Carracci strongly influenced Caravaggio's works Pope Clement VIII paid Caravaggio to paint only still lifes |
3) The Eternal City in the text refers to | |
Royal Academy Merisi Arpino Rome London |
4) According to the text, | |
all the painters mentioned were born in Italy in the 16th century d'Arpino was never able to be so famous as his followers Pope Clement's cardinals invited Caravaggio to visit Rome in 1592 Rubens, among others, came to Rome after Caravaggio's arrival the exhibition is going to be presented from April 16 on |
5) AFRICA: THE HIGH PRICE OF DENIAL ![]() Drugs, no matter how effective, can fight AIDS only when delivered to the people who need them. On that front, the war against HIV has been a dismal failure. Some 72% of the world's estimated 5.3 million new infections per year are in Africa. Yet virtually no one is getting treatment. new analyses show this is more than a health catastrophe: The epidemic can cause economic crises and pose national security risks for the U.S. 'Africa has no chance of developing without first addressing AIDS, malaria, and other diseases,' says economist Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of the Harvard Center for International Development. If these diseases are not controlled, the continent will slow the growth of the global economy. And the societal breakdowns from disease may lead directly to conflicts and mass migrations requiring intervention by the West. 'There's a recognition by the CIA and the U.N. Security Council that this pandemic fundamentally threatens U.S. interests,' says Sachs. Compared with the huge cost of doing nothing, he says, spending $2 billion to $5 billion to prevent and treat AIDS is a bargain. The Toll of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa Data: Joint U.N. Program on HIV/AIDS BUSINESSWEEK, FEBRUARY What does the text call 'a bargain'? | |
The cost of new researches regarding the cure of AIDS The cost of preventing and treating AIDS The cost of about $ 2 million for Africa to prevent AIDS The cost of about $ 5 million for Africa to treat AIDS The threat that Africa faces to have millions of people killed by AIDS |
6) On what front, according to the text, the fight against HIV hasn't been a success so far? | |
Nobody is getting treatment in Africa, even those who have been infected for years Half of the 5.3 million new infections aren't being treated 72% of infected people in Africa are not under treatment Infected people in Africa aren't being treated People who really need treatments all over the world are not getting them |
7) Mass migrations and intervention by the Western world will be | |
a consequence of the lack of control of certain diseases in Africa a cause of wrong treatments in Africa a cause of new cases of AIDS reported year after year consequence of bad administration of drugs in Africa consequence of the lack of medicines to provide to the affected in Africa |
8) The publicly funded Human Genome Project and Celera, the private company run by Craig Venter, have found some astonishing things about our genes ![]() 40,000: The maximum number of genes in our cells; it may be as few as 27,000. Until now scientists believed that there were around 100,000. 40%: The proportion of our genes that are similar to those of the nematode worm; 60% are like those of the fruit fly and 90% are similar to those found in mice. ![]() 223: Genes that our ancestors appear to have acquired directly from bacteria. 500: Olfactory genes we lost by prehumans, apparently sacrificed to concentrate on sight and other senses. 98.5%: Part of the genome that is taken up by so-called jumping genes, believed by scientists to be just clutter. 33%: Proportion of the sequence of human genes that has been finalized. Researchers estimate it will take another two years to complete the whole. Sources: International Herald Tribune; New Scientist (2, 3, 4 and 5); International Herald Tribune; New Scientist TIME, FEBRUARY 26, 2001 According to the text | |
so far most scientists were sure that there were only 27,000 genes in our cells it's almost certain now that humans appeared not so long ago 90% of all humans have very similar genes to those of rats. chimps have more genes than most human beings humans living today have been losing 500 olfactory genes year after year |
9) It's very possible that | |
any worm has more genes than a human being it's now proven that humans have 100,000 genes, or so very small amounts of genes are equal in every person it will take a couple of years for surveyors to complete the whole sequence of human genes chimpanzees don't have a certain kind of sugar on the surface of body cells |
10) According to the text you've just read | |
our forefathers most probably got genes from bacteria 33% of human genes are yet to be discovered scientists know now that a small part of the genome is made up of clutter 99.9% of our genes look like a mouse's genes flies have up to 90% of genes that are similar to humans |
11) Complete the sentence below with the correct Question-Tag: 'Until now scientists believed that there were around 100,000 genes in our cells, _____________?' | |
weren't there were there don't they did they didn't they |
12) ![]() A woman worker at a machinery plant, part of the program for expansion of heavy industry. ASIA HOME STAYS Staying with local families can be a good way to learn about foreign cultures. But it can also be a potential source of embarrassment for visitors unfamiliar with local customs. The Korea National Tourist Association wants travelers to avoid such pitfalls. Its free guide, Home-Stay in Korea, includes etiquette tips such as: don't wear shoes in the house, never blow your nose during a meal, and make sure you don't grip too hard when shaking hands. The guide also features information on seven home stay agencies. For details, see O texto menciona | |
a distribuição gratuita de um dicionário para quem pretende ficar um certo tempo na Coréia a venda de um jornal destinado a ensinar às pessoas algumas coisas sobre a cultura coreana a edição de um folheto pago específico para o turista que visita a Coréia. a publicação de um manual gratuito que ensina às pessoas como se comportar na Coréia a edição de um guia direcionado para quem for se hospedar em hotéis ou casas de família na Coréia |
13) In Korea it's recommended that you | |
shake hands with someone you don't really know take off your shoes whenever you enter a house tip somebody scratch your nose stay with local families for over seven days |
14) Complete adequately the sentence below: 'Staying with local families can be good. _________ staying in an American campus' | |
So could So can't But can Neither can So can |
Acesse o endereço ao lado e veja as respostas desse simulado. | |
Song: Broken-hearted girl - Beyonce
Broken-Hearted Girl
You're _____________
I thought you never were
And __________ like
I thought you could've been
But still you live _________of me
So tell me how is that
You're the only one
I wish I could ___________
The only one
I'd love to not ______________ forgive
And though you break my heart
You're the __________ one
And though there are times
When I hate you
'Cause I can't ___________
The times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And ___________
When I hate you
It pains me to say
I know I'll be there
At the end of the day
I don't wanna be without you, babe
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a ___________
Without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me _____________
I don't wanna love you
In no kind of way, no, no
I don't want a broken__________
And I don't wanna play
The broken-hearted girl
No,no, no broken-hearted girl
I'm no broken-hearted girl
_________that I feel I need to say
Up'til now I've always been afraid
That you would never come _____
And still I wanna _________ out
You say you got
The most _____________for me
But sometimes
I feel you not___________ me
And still you in my heart
But you're the only one
And yes, there are _________
When I hate you
But I don't ____________
'Cause I've been afraid that
You would walk away
But now I don't hate you
I'm __________ to say
That I will be there
At the end of the day
I don't wanna be without you, baby
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a _________
Without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But __________ just say
I don't wanna love you
In no kind of way, no, no
I don't want a broken heart
And I don't _________ play
The broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
Now I'm at a place I thought I'd ___________
I'm living in a world that all about you and me
Ain't gotta be afraid, my broken heart is free
To spread my wings and fly away, away with you
I don't wanna be without my baby
I don't want a broken ________
Don't wanna take a breath
Without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me ___________
I don't wanna love you
In no kind of way, no, no
I don't want a broken __________
I don't wanna play
The broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
Broken-hearted girl, no, no
No broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl
breath | forget | |
heart | ||
wanna | around | |
respect | ||
let me | deserve | |
times | never be | |
inside | ||
everything | breath | |
happy | ||
just say | nothing | |
only | ||
Something | put this | |
erase | ||
even now | complain |
Beyoncé Knowles
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles (

During the hiatus of Destiny's Child, Knowles released her debut solo album Dangerously in Love in 2003, which spawned the number-one hits "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy" and became one of the most successful albums of that year, earning her a then record-tying five Grammy Awards.[2] Following the group's disbandment in 2005, Knowles released her second solo album, B'Day in 2006. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and included the hits "Irreplaceable" and "Beautiful Liar". Her third solo album I Am... Sasha Fierce was released in 2008, and included the anthemic "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)". The album earned Knowles six Grammys at the 52nd Grammy Awards, breaking the record for most Grammy Awards won by a female artist in one night.[3][4] In 2011, Knowles released her fourth studio album 4, which became her fourth consecutive solo number-one album on the Billboard 200. This made Knowles the second female artist and third artist overall, to have her first four studio albums debut atop the chart.
Apart from her work in music, Knowles has also launched a career in acting. In 2001, she made her debut in the musical film Carmen: A Hip Hopera, prior to appearing in major films, including Dreamgirls (2006), which earned her two Golden Globe nominations, and Cadillac Records (2008). In 2004, Knowles and her mother introduced their family's fashion line, House of Deréon; Knowles has also endorsed brands such as Pepsi, Tommy Hilfiger, Armani and L'Oréal. In June 2010, Knowles was ranked second on Forbes list of the 100 Most Powerful and Influential celebrities in the world,[5][6] and first on its list of the Most Powerful and Influential musicians in the world.[7]
Knowles has earned numerous awards and accolades. She is one of the most honored artists by the Grammys, and third among female artists,[8] with a total of 16 Grammy Awards—13 as a solo artist and 3 as a member of Destiny's Child.[9][10] At the 2011 Billboard Music Awards, Knowles was honored with the Billboard Millennium Award for recognizing her career achievements and influence in the music industry. She was ranked the 4th Artist of the 2000s decade by Billboard,[11] and was listed the most successful female artist of the 2000s, as well as the top radio artist.[12] The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), also recognized Knowles as the top certified artist of the 2000s.[13][14] As of May 2010, Knowles has sold more than 11.2 million albums and 25 million singles in the United States. As of September 2009, she has sold 75 million records worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time.[15]
Broken-Hearted Girl
You're everything
I thought you never were
And nothing like
I thought you could've been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that
You're the only one
I wish I could forget
The only one
I'd love to not forgive
And though you break my heart
You're the only one
And though there are times
When I hate you
'Cause I can't erase
The times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And even now
When I hate you
It pains me to say
I know I'll be there
At the end of the day
I don't wanna be without you, babe
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath
Without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don't wanna love you
In no kind of way, no, no
I don't want a broken heart
And I don't wanna play
The broken-hearted girl
No,no, no broken-hearted girl
I'm no broken-hearted girl
Something that I feel I need to say
Up'til now I've always been afraid
That you would never come around
And still I wanna put this out
You say you got
The most respect for me
But sometimes
I feel you not deserve me
And still you in my heart
But you're the only one
And yes, there are times
When I hate you
But I don't complain
'Cause I've been afraid that
You would walk away
But now I don't hate you
I'm happy to say
That I will be there
At the end of the day
I don't wanna be without you, baby
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath
Without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don't wanna love you
In no kind of way, no, no
I don't want a broken heart
And I don't wanna play
The broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
Now I'm at a place I thought I'd never be
I'm living in a world that all about you and me
Ain't gotta be afraid, my broken heart is free
To spread my wings and fly away, away with you
I don't wanna be without my baby
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath
Without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don't wanna love you
In no kind of way, no, no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play
The broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
Broken-hearted girl, no, no
No broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl
Garota de Coração Partido
Você é tudo
O que eu achava que nunca seria
Não é nada como
Um pensamento do que poderia ter sido
Mesmo assim, você vive dentro de mim
Então me diga como é isso?
Você é o único
Que eu desejo poder esquecer
O único que
Eu amo para não perdoar
E apesar de você quebrar meu coração
Você é o único
E, embora há tempos
Quando eu te odeio
Porque não posso apagar
Os momentos que você me machucou
E colocou lágrimas no meu rosto
E mesmo agora
Quando te odeio
Me dói dizer
Eu sei que eu estarei lá
No final do dia
Eu não quero ficar sem você,amor
Eu não quero um coração partido
Não quero tomar um fôlego
Sem você,amor
Eu não quero fazer este papel
Eu sei que eu te amo
Mas me deixe dizer
Eu não quero amar você
De jeito nenhum,não,não
Eu não quero um coração partido
E eu não quero ser
A garota de coração partido
Não,não,nada de garota de coração partidio
Eu não sou uma garota de coração partido
Algo que eu sinto que eu preciso dizer
Até agora eu sempre tive medo
Que você nunca iria vir ao redor
E ainda quero colocar isso para fora
Você diz que tem
O maior respeito por mim
mas às vezes
Eu sinto que você não me merece
E ainda assim você em meu coração
Mas você é o único
E sim, há momentos
Quando eu te odeio
Mas eu não reclamo
Porque eu tenho medo de que
Você iria a pé
Mas agora eu não odeio você
Estou feliz em dizer
Que eu estarei lá
No final do dia
Eu não quero ficar sem você, baby
Eu não quero um coração partido
Não quero tomar um fôlego
Sem você, babe
Eu não quero jogar essa parte
Eu sei que eu te amo
Mas deixe-me dizer
Eu não quero te amar
De jeito nenhum, não, não
Eu não quero ter um coração partido
Eu não quero ser
A garota de coração partido
Não,não,nada de garota de coração partido
Agora eu estou em um lugar que eu pensei que nunca seria
Eu estou vivendo em um mundo que tudo sobre você e eu
Não é preciso ter medo, meu coração partido está livre
Para espalhar minhas asas e voar para longe, longe com você
Eu não quero ficar sem meu bebê
Eu não quero um coração partido
Não quero tomar um fôlego
Sem você, babe
Eu não quero jogar essa parte
Eu sei que eu te amo
Mas deixe-me dizer
Eu não quero te amar
Em nenhum tipo de forma, não, não
Eu não quero um coração partido
Eu não quero ser
Agarota de coração partido
Não,não,nada de garota de coração partido
Garota de coração partido não,não
Nada garota de coração partido
Nada de garota de coraçao partido
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