English Word Games
Battleships | Crosswords | Ding Things
Fiendish Games | Forum Games
Hangman | Homophones | Memory | Odd One Out | Scramble
Vocabulary Game | Wordsearch Games | Wordsquare Game
Quizzes Page | English Tests Page
These games have been developed for Firefox or IE.
Here you will find some of the best games online. With vocabulary page tests and quizzes to test your grammar, vocabulary and general knowledge.Some of the games will open up in a new browser window, when you have finished the game just close the window.
Battleships (open in a new window)
English Slang - Find the right definition for the word or phrase.
Homophones - Find the right meaning (updated regularly).

Ding Things

Fiendish Games
A, an or nothing - In the style of millionaire - get one wrong and you have to start again!
Colours - So you think you know your colours - Well let's test that shall we?
Computers and the Internet - See how well you know the terminology used today for computers and the Internet - for one or two players.
Money Order - Put the British slang terms in order of value to reveal the picture.
Match Up
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!
Select word:
Select match:
Website content provided by The Free Dictionary
English Word Games Forum
It's all very well playing games on your own, but it's more fun with other people.Word Association # 1 - Beginner + - Look at the previous word and enter the first word that comes into your head.These games are all on the Learn English Online forum. You have to be a member of the forum to join in, and it's moderated, so play nicely!
Word Association # 2 - Beginner + - Cut and paste the previous word(s) and add a word that follows the general theme.
A - Z Game - Beginner + - Each game has a different topic. Add the next word in the alphabet, but stick to the topic.
Matching words - Intermediate + - enter a word that goes sensibly with the previous word. If it makes a compound verb or noun give yourself an extra point.
How Many Words? - How many words can you make from the original word given. No repetitions allowed.
Tops and Tails - Intermediate + - Add a word using the last letter of the previous word as the start of the new word, no repetitions and stick to the topic!
Letter swap - Intermediate + - You make a new word by using the letters in the previous word, you're allowed to change one letter. No repetitions allowed.
Opposites - Intermediate + Give the opposite of the previous word, then add your own word for the next person.
Hermine's Vocabulary Game - Advanced - Make a meaningful sentence from the word given, then leave your own word.
Long Sentence - Advanced - Add one word to the previous words, until we have a meaningful sentence.
Riddles - Advanced - See if you can work out the answer.
1000 Questions - Advanced - Answer the previous question and then ask your own.
Computer Parts
Human Body
In the Post
Literary Terms
Negative Feelings
Seasonal Hangman Games
Click on the letters in the grid to build up the words (all the above games are taken from the vocabulary pages). Watch out though; there is a penalty for clicking on the wrong letter!Christmas
Valentine's Day
Mix - very difficult
Hangman Unlimited - you can play this one for as long as you like.
A homophone is a word that sounds like another word but has a different meaning. Here you can test your understanding by working out which sentences are correct. A new homophone is added every week.Memory Games
Is it a test or is it a game? I don't know, but it is one of my favourites.Memory Test - Household Items
Memory Test - Facial Features
Memory Test - Numbers 0 to 10 (requires Macromedia Shockwave Player)
Memory Test - Fruit #1
Memory Test - Fruit # 2
Memory Test - Vegetables
Memory Test - More Numbers for two players - (requires Macromedia Shockwave Player)
Memory Test - Opposites for two players - (requires Macromedia Shockwave Player)
Memory Test - More Opposites
Memory Test - Photo Fit Face
Memory Test - Eating
Memory Test - Short forms
Memory Test - Transport
Memory Test - Plurals
Memory Test - Packing for your hols
I managed to remember 10 things - let's see how you do.
Memory Test - Animals
Memory Test - Christmas
Spot the Odd One Out
OOO - Game 1
OOO - Game 2
OOO - Game 3
OOO - Game 4
Rumble in the Jumble!
See if you can write down the word/phrase using the scrambled letters:-Clothes and Accessories
Food and Eating
Human Body
Jobs and Work
Life and Death
Money and Currencies
Negative Feelings
Rooms and Buildings
Word of the monthMore Jumbled Letter Games (Open in new window)
Jobs and Work
Rooms in a House
Search for It!
Search for the hidden words. Words can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal and to make it more interesting written forwards or backwards.
Search for It - Buildings
Search for It - Clothes
Search for It - Computers
Search for It - Cooking
Search for It - Eating
Search for It - Education
Search for It - Families
Search for It - Films
Search for It - Food
Search for It - Football
Search for It - The Human Body
Search for It - Jobs and Work
Search for It - Money
Search for It - Newspapers
Search for It - Rooms in a house
Search for It - Shopping
Search for It - Technology
Search for It - Word of the month - 2008
Search for It - Word of the month - 2009
Seasonal Word Search Games
Search for It - AutumnSearch for It - Bonfire Night
Search for It - Christmas
Search for It - Easter
Search for It - Halloween
Search for It - New Year
Search for It - Spring
Search for It - Summer
Search for It - Valentine
Search for It - Winter
(!Learning Tip! as you find a word visualise it and say it out loud, if you do not know what the word means check the vocabulary list, if you can't pronounce the word double click on it and you can listen to it.
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