Choose from thousands of free printables offered by The Teacher's Corner. You will have options to print premade printabless, or make your own using our worksheet generators. Check back often as we are always working on new ideas!
Wordsearch Printables
Our Wordsearch Printables generator can build thousands of custom Wordsearch Printables. Find out why our users say we have the best on the internet!- Our wordsearch printables include more fun options than you will find anywhere else.
- Choose from several premade lists, or enter your own.
- Save your word lists for use in our other printables.
Telling Time Printables
Our Telling Time Printables have plenty of options:- Choose from many different clock face styles
- Select custom time increments
- Leave the hands off, to allow your students to draw in the correct time
- and many more!
Brain Teaser Printables
Our Brain Teaser Printables contain many challenging brain teasers to sharpen your creative thinking skills and keep your mind sharp.
- Select the brain teasers to add to your custom printable.
- Add your own Brain Busters for a truly unique printable.
Money Printables
The Money Printables generator is another exciting destination on The Teacher's Corner
- Choose from U.S. Money Printables, Australian Money Printables, Euro Printables, Canadian Money Printables, and English Pound Money printables
- Select which denominations of both bills and coins.
- Choose color or black-and-white currency
- Print high quality printables
Crossword Printables
The Crossword Printables Generators provide extremely easy to make worksheets. Our users love this tool!
- Enter your own word lists and clues (or choose premade lists), and click generate. We make the printable for you!
- Save your lists and use them in other printables on our site.
- Select to show the word bank for younger learners.
- Many more options to choose from!
Sudoku Printables
Our Sudoku Printables provide thousands of printable sudoku puzzles in seconds!
- Choose the difficulty of your puzzles.
- Our puzzles are computer generated on the fly - so you get a new puzzle with each click.
- Print up to 2 puzzles on a single sheet of paper.
Calendar Printables
This Calendar Printables Maker will make a custom calendar in seconds.
- Adjust the size, color and style of the days
- Add your own events easily
- Use our events calendar to add more fun activities
Word Scramble Printables
The Word Scramble Printables generator takes your word list and scrambles the words.
- Enter your own word list or choose one of our premade lists.
- Save your list for later use or use on our other puzzle makers.
- Options to include the word bank and change the font and size.
Matchup Printables
The Match-up Printables tool allows the user to enter words and corresponding matches, then jumbles the order and makes a neat worksheet in seconds.
- Save your words and 'matches' for use in other puzzes!
- Select different fonts and sizes
Maze Printables
Our Maze Printables maker makes random and unique mazes in seconds
- Choose path and maze size to make very easy to nearly impossible mazes.
- Each maze is unique, has one correct path, and we provide the key!
- Fun for all ages!
Math Printables
The Math Printables tools provide many options to make thousands of math worksheets. Options include:
- Basic Math Printables: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Multiple operators, Fractions and Time Trial formats.
- Number Sense Printables: Comparing Numbers
- Algebra Printables: Quadratic Equations and Order of Operations
- Many options with each level
Cloze Printables
Close Printables provide a highly advanced printables generator that takes your sentences or paragraphs and makes quick 'Cloze' activities and Fill-in-the-Blanks.
- Enter your sentence and simply click a word where you would like a blank.
- Choose to keep the word bank, or hide it.
- So easy you'll come back and use it over and over.
Graph Printables
Graph Printables provide a generator that takes your data and generates flat or 3D graphs with full color.
- First choose your printable layout (1 to 6 cells)
- The enter what you want in each cell (graph, lines, blank)
- The enter your graph data, choose your graph style, and choose colors.
- Generate beautiful graph printables.
Premade Printable Worksheets
Map Printables
Printable Maps are PDF's that we made to help with the Geography skills.
- Many continents and country maps to choose from
- Choose from labeled or unlabeled.
DAIly Writing Prompts Printables
Daily Writing Prompt printables are premade PDF documents that have writing prompts for every day of the year!
- January Writing printables
- February Writing printables
- March Writing printables
- April Writing printables
- May Writing printables
- June Writing printables
- July Writing Printables
- August Writing printables
- September Writing printables
- October Writing printables
- November Writing printables
- December Writing printables
Seasonal Printables
Seasonal Printables - Wow! Where to start. We have hundreds of coloring and lined journal pages from many different seasonal topics:
- 100th Day of School printables
- Back to school printables
- Baseball printables
- Black History Month printables
- Chinese New Year printables
- Christmas printables
- Cinco de Mayo printables
- Columbus Day printables
- Constitution Day printables
- Easter printables
- Fall printables
- Fire Prevention Week printables
- Fourth of July printables
- Groundhog Day printables
- Halloween printables
- Hanukkah printables
- Iditarod printables
- Kentucky Derby printables
- Martin Luther King Jr printables
- Monthly printables
- Mother's Day printables
- New Year's printables
- Presidents Day printables
- Red Ribbon Week printables
- Spring printables
- St. Patricks Day printables
- Summer printables
- Summer Olympics printables
- Superbowl printables
- Valentine's Day printables
- Veterans Day printables
- Winter printables
![]() Printables for the different countries around the world. ![]() Printables for various science topics. | ![]() Coloring Pages for many holidays and events. | More coming soon! |
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