domingo, 12 de setembro de 2010



To go on leave: Sair de licensa
A lawsuit waiting to happen: Pode dar processo
To finish something on schedule: Terminar no prazo
I’m cutting loose: Estou legal
Call me crazy but…: Pode me chamar de louco mas…
To run the show: Dar as cartas
What are you bitching about?: Do que vc está reclamando?
Suit yourself: Como quizer
Up and about: De pé!
I haven’t done this in twenty years:
I won’t hold it against her: Não vou magoá-la
What’s it come, three ways?: Quanto fica em três prestações?
To piss on about: Reclamar
To see someone’s point: Entender
Bootie snatcher, pillow bitter, faggot, rump roaster, fairy, queer: Homossexual
Sexual orientation: Opção sexual
To go off the deep end: Exagerar
It’s for you to say: Vc decide
To speak one’s mind: Dizer o que pensa
To make a breakthrough: Progredir
To work full tilt as it is: Trabalhar a todo vapor
Come hell or high water: Dê no que der
Rain or shine: Chova ou faça sol
Come what may: Dê no que der
To be into something in a big way: Ser louco por algo
All hell broke loose: Foi a maior confusão
To flip a coin: Tirar cara ou coroa
I don’t mean to boast: Não quero me gabar
I got a hintch: Tenho um palpite
The whole thing got swept under the carpet: Abafaram o caso
I have okayed the use…: Dei o sinal verde para usar…
You got a mouth on you: Vc tem a língua afiada
On second thought, medium rare: Pensando bem, no ponto
To catch some shut-eye: Tirar uma soneca
Thermos: Garrafa térmica
Squares: Antiquados
By the look of things: Do jeito que as coisas vão
“The Turkeys reduced to ten men after the dismissal of Ozalan, it was Ronaldo who had the final say”
Time is running out to…: O tempo esta se esgotando para…
It didn’t go: Não rolou; não deu
What’s the point?: Onde vc quer chegar?
Someone to take care of me, for change. : Pra variar
On condition that…: Na condição de…; contanto que
The shoe fits?: A carapuça coube
To set one’s mind into a thing: Colocar algo na cabeça
Tutor: Professor particular
To be an act: Ser armação
To be a born sucker: Bobão; idiota completo
Just drop it: Esqueça isso
ATM: Caixa eletrônico
Interest charge: Juros
Handling fee: Taxa de serviço
Loan shark: Agiota
Commercial executive: Publicitário
To monitor someone: Pegar no pé
Full price or matineé? : Inteira ou meia? (cinema)
To drink someone under the bar: Beber mais que outro e deixá-lo de porre
To be mugged: Ser assaltado
To be short: Estar sem dinheiro
It’s my bit: É minha função
Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow:
To play with a full deck: Abrir o jogo
To focus on the “what ifs”: Questionar
Be my guest: Fique a vontade
..realistically: Pra ser realista
I’ll do one, two, three…: Vou contar …
You better hustle: É melhor apressar-se
It’s a date: Combinado
To be on the clock: Estar atrasado
Absolutely not: De jeito nenhum
To be a marksman: O homem que vai às compras
To be a third wheel: Segurar vela
Dig in and no making fun of my cooking: Devore a comida sem debochar
That’s beside the point: Isso não importa
Globally: No mundo todo
- Nice to meet you!
- Same to you!
To give a big hug for someone:
You’re afraid the lid of the jar’s gonna slam shut on our hands: Ser apanhado com a boca na botija
To buy some time: Ganhar tempo
All the more to: Mais um motivo para…
We got zero room for error: Não podemos errar
The course of the job: Ossos do ofício
To consider “what if..”: o que pode dar errado
Let’s get our hands dirty: Botar a mão na massa
Her number was up: Ela era a bola da vez
It’s just for show: Só pra assustar
On the count of three…: Quando eu contar até três
What in God’s name is going on?
To say the “F” word
That would have scarred me for life: Teria me marcado pra sempre
There you go: É isso aí
Paddy Wagon: Camburão
To tiptoe around someone: Pisar em ovos
To earn someone’s trust: Ganhar a confiança de alguém
To blow someone’s off: Embromar
To walk and chew gum at the same time: Assoviar e chupar cana
To nail someone to the wall: Fritar alguém
Your job stands upon the edge of a knife: Está por um fio
You have to draw the line: Estabelecer limites
You’ve got a lot on your mind: Vc anda muito preocupado
To be unreachable: Estar incomunicável
Roller-coaster events: Acontecimentos excepcionais
I knew you’d want to be told: Ia querer saber
You’ve had front-row-seat: Assistiu de camarote
To patronize someone: Subestimar
To keep that charade up: Manter a farsa
Don’t put me in the middle of it: Não me coloque no meio dessa situação
To lecture someone: Dar sermão
He should make that call: Ele deveria decidir
To be in no frame of mind: Não estar em condições
To steer things: Controlar as coisas
Until he gets his head screwed on right: Colocar a cabeça no lugar
To patch things up: Fazer as pazes
Don’t let him bait you: Não caia na armadilha dele
To push one’s buttoons: Provocar
I’ve got him wrapped around my finger: Eu o tenho nas mãos
You’re barking up the wrong tree: Batendo na porta errada
To horse-trade with someone: Barganhar
To have to deal with this: Ter que resolver
I’m on a schecule: Meu tempo está curto
Keep your chin up: Fique de cabeça erguida!
Put that ego away: Baixa a bola
It’s backfire now: O tiro saiu pela culatra
We are clear on that, right? : estamos cobinados, certo?
It’s a dead end: Não deu em nada
He´s keeping a lid on it to cover his ass: Ficando na moita
If I drag this out!: Se fizer arrodeios
Powerhouse woman: Mulher obstinada
Change of subject: Mudando de assunto
To be a bit tied up: estar ocupado
Pound right here!: Bata aqui (na mão)
Print me up a new report: Tira a xerox pra mim...
Spare me the boring fairy tales: Poupe-me de suas desculpas esfarrapadas
I’m so psyched for you: Feliz por vc
We’re just catching up: Botando o papo em dias
To meet someone face-to-face: encontrar pessoalmente
Lover boy: Garanhão
Copy room: Sala de xerox
This is not a big deal: Não é problema
Speaking of which, why don’t you…?
To change things up: Mudar os planos
Dwell on: Prender-se a
Let yoursel off the hook: Não se culpe
A wild-goose-chases: Procurar agulha no palheiro
Without whom: Sem os quais
I’m not seeing the relevance:
Time is running out: O tempo está se esgotando
It didn’t go: Não deu, não rolou
What is the poit?: Onde vc quer chegar
Someone to take care of me, for change: Pra variar
On condition that: Na condição de
The shoe fits? A carapuça coube
To set one’s mind into a thing: Colocar algo na cabeça
Tutor: Professor particular
To be an act: Ser armação
Decide by a coin flip: Decidir no cara ou coroa
Backstage: bastidores
To lecture someone: Dar sermão
Mr. President, your rebbutal: sua réplica
I want everyone on the same page: Trabalhando em conjunto, no mesmo foco
You’re better off on foot: è melhor a pé
Chopper: Helicóptero
To sink to one’s level: Rebaixar-se ao nível
In the long run it’s gonna pay off: No final das contas valerá a pena
Quick pools: Pesquisa de boca-de-urna
We got hit hard: Fomos atingidos (situação)
Voters who were on the fence: Os indecisos
It’s he-said-she-said: A palavra dele contra a sua
I’ll try to keep it as clear and concise as I can: Ser claro e preciso
A pat on the back: Tapinha nas costas
They have just fallen into Jackson Lago’s camp: Passaram para o lado de…
To take over for someone: Assumir o lugar de alguém
To have other fires to put out: Outros problemas pra resolver
To bust: Prender
You’re the man!
Your job is in serious jeopardy: Na corda bamba
“You think you can enlist your ex-wife to manufacture lies in order to bring me down”
This leverage you have with him: Trunfo
You’re telling me: Nem me fale
Binder: encadernador
Rage: Raiva
Just like that!: Pura e simplesmente!
To talk man to man:
If you play this card: Se vc entrar nesse jogo
To be blunt: Pra ser franco
Save your breath: Poupe o fôlego
Let’s not go ahead of ourselves: Precipitar-nos
If she gets fussy: Agitado (Bebê)
Common sense:
I’d love nothing more, but we have to prioritize:
Keep me posted: Informado
Time difference: Fuso horário
Daylight savings: Horário de verão
I just put on some tea, I’d like to settle my stomach: Melhorar a digestão
We’re on: Estamos na bola
Be the biggest rule freak of everyone: O mais caxias. O que segue as regras...
Talk about something in the open: Falar abertamente
- The name rings a bell? O nome lhe é familiar?
- Well, it should ring a bell.
Why don’t you chew on that a bit?: Pensa um pouco (reflete)
Kidnapping is a felony: Crime hediondo
She’s kinda pissed: Chateada
Ease up on the mistakes: Diminuir os erros
To have a small window of opportunity: Ter uma pequena chance
To cover one’s ass: Tirar o seu da reta
Work against the clock: Estar com o tempo curto
To be caught off guard: Ser pego desprevenido
To be on the same page: Falar a mesma lingua
David can’t know: David não pode saber
To be a thorn in one’s side: Ser a pedra no sapato
We’re clear on that, right?:Combinado
It’s backfire now: O tiro saiu pela culatra
To prop up my ego: Massagear o ego
We don’t have the luxury of: Darmos ao luxo de
To sit on one’s hands: Estar de braços cruzados
To thread the eye of the needle: Estar por um triz
To look in the other way: Fazer vistas grossas
You played a roll: Vc foi estupendo
To have a feeling: ter uma intuição
“If you’d known this was going to happen, would you have done it?”
Occasionalllly yes: As vezes sim
To be chickenshit: Covarde
- What is it taste like?
- It tastes like…
You flinched?:Desistiu?
It’s just crap: Só merda
I’m full of crap:
Her number was up: A bola da vez
-          Am I being punished?
-          You know better than that: Vc sabe que não
He’s one of those hyphenates: Tem dois empregos
-          What about your speech?
-          I’ll wing it: Improvisar
Hold your temper: Vá com calma
The lease was notarized: a escritura foi registrada
-          Put your emotions on hold: Controle suas emoções
-          I can’t put that on hold: Não posso deixar de lado
That was callous of me: Fui insensível
To keep something as surgical as possible: Ser precisos
To have a level head: Ter a cabeça no lugar
He’s gonna make it happen:Fazer todo o possível
Are you prepped for the call? Preparado?
We can continue this little dance but…: Continuar esta conversa mole, lenga lenga…
To jump to conclusions: Tirar conclusões precipitadas
He ran the company into the ground: Levar a falência
Commiserating: Solidarizando
Comparing notes: Trocando figurinhas
He had handed out flyers: Distribuído panfletos
What’s the catch? Qual a parada? Qual o plano?
About time you showed up!: Já era hora de vc aparecer
The old guard: A velha guarda
We’ve got a late addition: Um convidado de última hora
Be nice to him or it’s my ass! …Ou eu me ferro
He watches his words: Ele toma cuidado com o que diz
To confront one’s demons: Enfrentar os problemas
To step on one’s toes: Passar na gente de alguém
You don’t have a violent bone in your body: Vc não é violento
What’s going on through your head?: O que se passa em sua cabeça?
We’ve been over this: Já discutimos isso
To finger someone: Dedurar
Given your lack of prior criminal conduct I’m inclined toward probation: Conceder condicional
Gotcha: (gíria: entendido!)
You talking out the side of your neck?: Quer dar uma de engraçadinho
Come again?: Como disse?
To be a smartass: ser engraçadinho
I was a little judgemental: Julguei apressadamente
How are you supposed to pull this off: Resolver esta situação
To stay on schedule: Manter a programação
What if they don’t buy it: E se eles não engolirem
You’ve got one up on me: Estou em desvantagem
It’s coming up on five o’clock. Call it a day: Termine isso
It’s time we stopped beating around the bush and go after the damn bush: Parar de arrodeios e ir direto ao assunto
What do you want done? O que vc quer que se faça?
How could I not?: Por que não seria
How can I turn my back on him: Ignorá-lo
I’m not a man to equivocate: Sou claro em minhas questões
I sort of wish it was true: Esperava que fosse verdade
Nowhere near as much as I wish it was true: Ninguém mais do que eu gostaria …
What do you care?: E daí
I like the ambience: Gosto do ambiente
Are we in business? Negócio fechado
You got spine: Vc tem coragem
Studies have shown the disease genetically linked:
Whatever you’ve got going on, fill me in, cause I’m in the dark here: Seja lá o  que planejou, me deixe a par, porque não faço idéia.
We ghost-wrote the whole plan, crossed the T’s, dotted the I’s, grounted the tiles: Fizemos o projeto todo na surdina, nos mínimos detlhes
To retrofit this place: Reformar o lugar
He’s my friend 10 years: Ele é muito meu amigo
To be a bit gregarious: Ser sociável
Fraternizing: Sociabilizando
Cut someone a break: Dar um tempo
You just magically show up like some knight in shining armor: Como o salvador da pátria
The statements: Extrato bancário
-          You know how to contact me.
-          The same goes for you: Digo o mesmo
You’re yesterday’s news: Vc é página virada
- Are you all right?
- No, nowhere near it: Nem de longe

You’re just cut in the middle, aren’t you?: Vc está num fogo cruzado
A fruity friend: Amigo bicha
The bird in the hand just became tree: Três coelhos com uma só cajadada
I got things pretty well figured out: Tenho tudo sob controle
I sort of backed some information about you: Obitive informações sobre vc
It’s in my nature to want to help: è da minha natureza…
We’re together in this little dance, but I call the shots: Estamos juntos nessa, mas eu mando.
First shot….: Em primeiro lugar
Do we understand each other? Estamos entendidos
You’ve got the point: Vc tem razão
It doesn’t ring a bell: Não me recordo
It’s not an option: De jeito nenhum
That’s the general idea: Essa é a idéia
Not that I’m aware of: Não que eu saiba
Ring a bell? Lembra
I’m a very high second priority for you: Estou em segundo plano
I’m started to get used to it: Estou começando a me acostumar
You’ll be sacked, and I’ll be on the dole: Vc será demitido e eu irei para a assistência social
You get your period yet: Vc já menstruou
A bunch of homos: Bando de bichas
Put it this way: Veja bem
-          Thank you
-          My pleasure
Co-signer: Fiador
To have a houseguest: Morar com alguém
Accidentally on purpose!: Sem querer querendo
A cross-cultural experience:
If that works out for you: Se não for pedir muito
Short notice is fine! Convite de última hora
It’s water over the dam or under the bridge: Águas passadas
Pish posh, we needn’t talk about it: Bobagem
- Everything ok?
- You might say so: Pode-se dizer que sim
I maybe be rushed into things: Posso ter me precipitado
There was a disturbance: Houve um imprevisto
To be a little behind: Estar atrasado em contas.
This led to that: Uma coisa leva a outra
She threw me up when she found out my little escapades:
He’s aging: ele está envelhecendo
No strings attached: sem segundas intenções
I could assume that...: eu podia jurar que…
It’s time you cut those apron strings: Esta na hora de vc sair debaixo da sai da sua mãe


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